Crown Lengthening

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Crown Lengthening is a specific procedure performed when there is not enough good tooth structure available to make a crown. It can be prescribed by your restorative dentist before or after a tooth is prepared for a crown. The procedure is fairly routine and involves a 45 minute to one hour appointment and is done under local anesthesia with minimal post-op discomfort. The gum margins and bone around the tooth are modified slightly to expose enough tooth structure for your dentist to prepare an ideal crown margin. This will allow for better long-term health and success of both the tooth and restoration.

You will be seen for a 1-2 week follow-up to remove sutures and review oral hygiene, then will be referred back to your dentist for the final crown in 3-6 weeks depending on the case. The procedure can also be referred to as “esthetic crown lengthening” for front teeth in the smile zone. Dr. Brancheau will help coordinate the plan with you and your dentist to obtain the best result.

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